Spontaneity, fun and breakfast

 Have you ever had one of those moments when food just calls your name and actually lives up to the culinary expectation you had?  This was me, last weekend, in food heaven with a breakfast presented like I had never seen before.... This breakfast practically demands to be eaten slowly and savoured.  Different from a traditional British breakfast, but more of a Scottish/European themed plate including vegetarian haggis, haloumi cheese and large beans served with egg and toast.

I glance over at my brother's platter and immediately crave what he has, a red fruit feast with pancakes.  My taste buds in overdrive make everything look very appetising.  "Maybe it is the drive"  I wonder aloud  "This monster of an appetite"?

The location of the restaurant is right on the sea edge with a stunning view of the Bass rock which hosts a variety of sea life.  I stopped when we entered and just stared out at the striking setting.  The evening before, my brother suggested an outing on his motorbike to a place for breakfast which would not leave us disappointed.  

While loving the idea of being there in this area but unsure of the method of travel which frightens me a bit, I take the plunge and agree.  No going back!

The ride was rapid, windy, noisy but essentially I felt a great feeling of freedom.  Rarely am I out without my dog but instead of holding a lead I am gripping onto a metal frame which keeps me sturdy and safe and there is a metal box which encloses my back.

Getting off the bike required some leg acrobatics and the removal of my helmet revealed a static, wind swept hair state.  The sea air and atmosphere felt very relaxed and holiday-like.

Going back a different route, passing through three regions in a very short space of time was enough to sample the beauty, scenery and nature with a now gentler breeze that startles and seems to invite you back sometime soon with the fields and trees feeling in motion with the swaying of the bike.

Spontaneous is not usually a word which I associate with but here I was a passenger on a machine which was unfamiliar and scary to me.  Pensive about this outing as it felt like a different prescription to medication - more like a short escape route early in the morning.  Escaping household chores and dog walking for just a little while was perhaps 'just the ticket' for some fun and to regain a perspective on the appreciation of home and family.

Views, cuisine treats and road trip asides - there is just me, coping, managing and searching for the daily activities which invigorate or holds my interest, like a good radio show, a harvest moon, writing or exploring new ideas and this motorbike ride felt like it opened possibility to overcome apprehensions and have some well deserved fun.

Paula Smith