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We are human beings, not human doings!

Before my original breakdown back in 2014, I thought I was firing on all cylinders. Being effective. Being efficient. Being productive. Multitasking. Giving 100% in all areas of my life. All those things our society seems to value. In hindsight, I was running myself into the ground. I kept going until I couldn't go on anymore.  Photo by Mindspace Studio on Unsplash I am selective in how and where I use my energy nowadays, having learnt the hard way that my energy is finite. I've learned to take regular time to just be. To slow down. For it to be OK to do less. I've given myself time to discern what my particular gifts are - we all have gifts - and found the conditions in which I am able to express them.  One necessary condition for me nowadays is an inbuilt flexibility in everything I do. On my recovery journey, I am going forward more often than not. But there will be temporary setbacks. At these times it's important to be able to reach out to others. To get cover f

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