Kids went back today ...

The five days that they were here just flew by, one flowing into another.  We had a good time on the whole.  My need for peace and quiet got the better of me now and then when they got too noisy.  They're good kids though and so easily pleased.  We had so many games of monopoly, some lovely food from the local pakistani and indian food shops and we talked.  We watched movies and we did some work in the garden, setting up a watering hole for the animals (with or without wings) that visit this garden.  We talked about so many different things ... sharing words as a father to children and vice-versa ... and some as friends.  Sometimes they were just happy to quietly read their books.

The house feels empty today as the echo of their energy remains ... but slowly fades and I have to re-adjust to the solitude.

I went to a salsa dance tonight to take my mind of the emptiness ... and now I'm back, listening to the echo of their humour, laughter and shared thoughts.  I've been in this space before and it never gets easier.

I miss them ...