Soul of a Wolf - Poetry of a Veteran released on Paperback and Kindle

It took longer than was anticipated and the release date was put back ... but it's live now.  The final book in the Poetry of a Veteran series went live on 31 May 2013.

I remember feeling relieved that it was done ... and drained.  Having a short term memory problem as part of my disability I often forget things that happen or certain difficulties that I live with ... if I'm lucky, a friend will remind me and that will help certain pieces of the jigsaw fall in place.  It's not all bad though - I can watch my DVD collection over and over again and keep re-discovering little gems in certain films etc.

Jon Souza (author of 'My name is David Cole')  wrote the foreword and Dr Ian Medley wrote a piece about living with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and creativity.  My sincere thanks to them for their contributions to the book and to Derek Thompson and Jacqueline Arnold for their proof reading.

Lynette Pinchess of the Nottingham Post gave the book the following review:  "Raw emotions pour from Wolf’s pen.  His poetry moves me to anger, it makes me sad and it makes me bitter about the injustice that he and other veterans face. But the fact that he can bare his soul in this creative manner is genuinely uplifting. Stirring stuff."

As with the other two titles (Words of a Wolf and The Way of the Wolf), Soul of a Wolf is an eclectic mix of poetry that shines a light on quite a few issues that Veterans live with in British Society, particularly those from other ethnicities ... but this title encourages people to see beyond the hate and divisive behaviour generated by certain factions of our society and to think for ourselves by examining the issues that affect our communities ... and making up our own minds based on our own interpretation of what we see going on around us.  This is particularly relevant to the civil unrest being generated between certain extremists on both side of the religious/cultural/racial debate that the UK is currently facing.

I hope that you'll support my 'Not-For-Profit' work by buying a copy and spreading the word about Wolf Photography and it's aims.

Soul of a Wolf - Poetry of a Veteran is available from
Wolf Photography (Signed copy)
Abe Books (Australia & New Zealand)
Amazon Kindle
Barnes & Noble (USA) 
Book Depository (Free worldwide delivery)

Amazon - other countries

If you would like to take advantage of a special offer.  You can purchase all three volumes in the Poetry of a Veteran series (signed) for £18.98 plus Postage & Packing (RRP is £25.97 plus P&P) - while personal stocks last.  The offer is available by clicking here.

There is a preview of the Trilogy available on Amazon Kindle for £1, $1 or €1 (plus their tax)  - depending on where you live.  You can find it by clicking here or on the links above on the various Amazon sites.

Thank you to those of you that have supported my poetry writing over the years.  Please stay in touch via Facebook and Twitter!

All the best

Villayat 'Wolf' Sunkmanitu

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