Waterstones and profit margins ...

The Way of the Wolf - Poetry of a Veteran has been released and is visibile on Waterstone's website.  You can buy the title from them either in-store or from their website but there will be a delay while the title is printed and shipped to them ... and then to you.

I was having a discussion with one of their managers today with a view to them stocking the title in the stores that sold the first volume (Words of a Wolf - Poetry of a Veteran).  Unfortunately, they won't because there is only a 25% discount on the title and they want 50-60%.  Having explained that this is not a profit making venture and that aims of the project are to facilitate an exhibition and raise more awareness of what PTSD does to Veterans had no effect on the decision.  Waterstones have a profit margin policy that they adhere to.  I feel that if I had the same conversation with Amazon today, I probably would have heard the same thing.

The printing and distribution contract was setup with Lightning Source; their minimum discount level for titles to be advertised via their data feed is 20% for the USA and 25% for all other places.  If you go below that level of discount, your title won't be advertised.

So, it comes down to Social Networking and 'word of mouth'.  If you'd like to support my work and help this project by purchasing a copy of the title.  Please buy it from my website if you can ... if you can't pay through Paypal, please try your highstreet or local book store (including Waterstones) and they will order the title in for you.

All the best
