Preparing for Winter

The snow's falling on the higher areas of the Cairngorms and my thoughts turn to winter. Some of the tribal people on the continent of North America live by the seasons and naturally work with them. Winter is the time to sow the seeds that you want to germinate in your life path the next year, having considered the previous year's journey in your soul. Autumn is the time we reflect and consider how the year went. Thinking about what we want to change, create or perhaps expand upon in our journey of life.

We then sow the seeds of those changes in our dreams, plans and other forms of preperation to try to make them occur. Before the years of artificial lighting, these are the months that we would spend more time in our caves, dens, huts or log houses. Perhaps spending more time with our loved ones and neighbours, re-enforcing those connections based on love and trust, making changes to our dens or creating things of beauty, tangible or oral within the cocoon of darkness. Ever wonder why a real fire in the dark feels secure, warm and comforting in the winter days?

So think about your journey and dream good dreams and do the other things that you want to do. Spend more time with loved ones and make those bonds stronger.

Sew those seeds for next spring...that's when we start making them a reality.

Season's blessings.
