Osprey watching ...
Scotland was beautiful, thought provoking and captivating. A lot of the weather was what you'd expect in that area as mountainous areas seem to have a few weather systems active all at once.
The days were cold and the nights colder. I was in a lot of pain by day two and having to use the TENS machine a lot. I'd be lost without it ... that and a hot bath. Liz and Neil had one running for me when I needed it. They looked after me :o) (thanks Guys).
I saw a different osprey and started to get acquainted with it as I watched it hunt the small lochs in Mossat. I watched him circle the three ponds and positioned myself amongst the bushes in an area that allowed me to view him hovering over the three locations.
All of a sudden he hovered for about 2 seconds, folded his wings and dived! Strike!! He seemed to like sitting there in the water as his talons pierced his prey, which in this case was a trout.
That gave me a couple of seconds to move quickly so that I could photograph him taking off with his meal but I couldn't get the angle I wanted.
If you want to see the osprey at a place that isn't overcrowded, head to Mossat Fishery, Little Bridgend Farm, Mossat, Alford, Aberdeenshire AB33 8PL. Tel 01464 861 000.
All the best
The days were cold and the nights colder. I was in a lot of pain by day two and having to use the TENS machine a lot. I'd be lost without it ... that and a hot bath. Liz and Neil had one running for me when I needed it. They looked after me :o) (thanks Guys).
I saw a different osprey and started to get acquainted with it as I watched it hunt the small lochs in Mossat. I watched him circle the three ponds and positioned myself amongst the bushes in an area that allowed me to view him hovering over the three locations.
All of a sudden he hovered for about 2 seconds, folded his wings and dived! Strike!! He seemed to like sitting there in the water as his talons pierced his prey, which in this case was a trout.
That gave me a couple of seconds to move quickly so that I could photograph him taking off with his meal but I couldn't get the angle I wanted.
If you want to see the osprey at a place that isn't overcrowded, head to Mossat Fishery, Little Bridgend Farm, Mossat, Alford, Aberdeenshire AB33 8PL. Tel 01464 861 000.
All the best