Easy come, easy go...

I'd gotten some money back from the Inland Revenue this year from losses made on the business and had saved it for a photographic trip to somewhere but it seems to be dwindling away on the garden now and the house now.  Next week the fence gets completed behind the shed, the loft hatch gets extended, the outside wall tap gets fitted and the arch way for the climbing plants arrives.

I've been looking at various plants and visualising myself sat in a natural haven of various colours ... the images change from day to day, however, there is one constant: Ferns!  My neighbour has some that started growing from the see in birds droppings many years ago and they look amazing.  She's said I can have some out of her garden ... and they're our natural woodland variety.  I want them down the left hand side so that they have partial shade.

I'm pretty sure that the archway will have 2 Jasmine plants as well as some honey suckle, in the hope that some of the scents will whaft up to the room where I do my work.

I'm still pretty set on having one of the Virginia creepers around the front of the house too but will sort that out with the builder and maybe cement a pot to the hous wall so that no one bothers trying to steal it.  This seems to be a quiet close though and we don't get any trouble here, so it should be ok.  I've always wanted a house with creepers growing on the walls, changing colours with the seasons.

I used to have some lovely bushes in my house in cornwall that would flower twice a year - one had a lovely small violet coloured flower and the other a small white flower.  I don't remember their names though ... I'd love to have their presence in my garden again.  You never know what people are going to do when they buy your house ... I hope that they keep the trees and matured bushes going though.

One tree in my old place was 'special'.  I was visiting a business colleague one Saturday morning and I saw that nearly every tree on a cerain part of a road had been ripped down or just broken at the lower part of the trunk.  No doubt some drunken youths had though this was an amusing act to perform the previous night.  All of the trees were tender saplings with trunks of about 5 inches in circumference.  I was saddened and angered at the lack of regard for the natural world and ignorance of the necessity of trees. 

One of the trees had been ripped out completely but the root ball was more or less complete.  I rang the council and asked them to send someone out to 'rescue' the tree as it was the only one that could survive the situation.  The council official seemed uninterested and made some comments that were less useful than a cow's fart (at least you can use the methane from a cow).  I made the point that my taxes helped pay for the trees, which he didn't deny, so I said I'd take the tree home with me which he didn't object to.  So I went around asking people for help to transport the tree ASAP to minimise the shock on its exposed roots etc.

After an hour of asking around, the people that came to the rescue were the  'Cornwall Paper Company', based hust down the road from where the tree lay.  They got one of their biggest trucks out and their driver transported us home and helped me to plant the tree in my garden.  I gave them some prints as a thank you and then spent the next few months worrying over whether the tree would make it or not.  I was heartened every time I saw a garden bird use one of its branches ... it was as if there was an exchange of energy between the bird and the tree; a necessary exchange that allowed both to fulfill their journeys.

Imagine my joy when I saw the first new green shoots the following spring ...

I hope that tree is still safe.

Have a good Sunday.


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