Progress with the garden ...

It's as if the garden was the latest thing to come to my aid.  Immersed in the care of situating the new beings that I share this space with, I subconciously process the issues wandering around in the corridors of my past.

Yesterday morning, the sparrowhawk that I've seen now and then alighted onto my garden fence and sat looking up into the recently trimmed fir trees - then just like a shot- it flew up and in after a bird ... but missed.  It then moved up to the top and sat there, surveying the area, on the hunt for breakfast.

I rang my neighbour, Edna, as I often do when something different comes into the garden, so that she can go upstairs and see it too but her phone was engaged.  I told her about it though.  Edna's 88 now and doesn't get out much and I felt like going to the garden centre again, so I took her wih me and we wandered around there for a bit before taking her for lunch at the carvery.

When I got home, I did a little bit of tidying in the garden and then sat out to be warmed by the rays of 'GrandFather Sun'.  The birds have started trusting me more and more seem to still come to the feeders as I sit and watch them.  It was good to see the many colourful flying insects too as they harvested the pollen from the various flowers.

I got up later and watered the garden before going indoors,  only to emerge at dusk to see the light's coming on and bathing the garden in an atmosphere reminiscent of an old world where there was more nature and less man.

The new plants and trees will be here today or tomorrow.  I'm looking forward to making them welcome and finding spaces that will suit their tempraments ...  then I'll start photographing them for you :o)
