Poetry and life ... Inequality

I never know what's going to come out on paper when I empty my mind, my thoughts and feelings.  It's an exercise ... a releasing of the valve ... and it serves a purpose that I probably don't fully understand on all levels.

Yet I know enough to understand that it's beneficial to my mental health.

The good thing about writing poetry is that it crosses boundaries.  You might read something that I've written and make it relevant to your life.  It might help you to release something within you.

Once you release words as a poet ... you don't own the interpretation; that's down to the individual reader, their circumstances and their frame of reference at that particular moment in time.

Poems can be personalised and adapted by the reader to their journey ... and if that happens then the poet has been successful in making someone 'feel' something ... and, for me, that's the real positive thing about being a poet.

The following poem is from Soul of a Wolf - Poetry of a Veteran (ISBN 9780956488596.  Kindle ASIN: B00D0EMUV0).


You want to be my friend but you don’t want to make allowances for my differences,
You want to be a part of my life without considering my feelings,
You want to laugh at the humour I bring but you bring me much sadness,
You want my insights into coping but continue to dump your stuff on me,
You want the support I freely give but it's not reciprocal,
You want equality on scales shifted in your favour,
You want the knowledge I possess but give nothing in return,
You wonder at my silence when I withdraw from the crowd,
You conveniently forget all that I have revealed of how I cope,
Leaving me imprisoned in a bubble of solitude for your own protection.

©Copyright Villayat Sunkmanitu 2013

I guess I want you to consider your life.  I want you to be happier, in healthier relationships and to be appreciated for the unique individual that you are.  If you're in a relationship that is unhealthy for you, or hurts you ... contemplate it and do what feels right to address the situation.

Walking away from the relationship might not be the right answer ... changing the terms could be a way forward.  However, if you're in an abusive relationship, you may have no choice but to walk away and if that's the case, I wish you the strength and courage to walk away and set yourself free.

If you have walked away from an abusive scenario ... don't let it taint your future ... but you do need to remember it so that you know what you want to stay away from in your present and future life.

Relationships for the purposes of this poem are wide ranging ... friendships, relationships with lovers, work relationships, family relationships.  Everything successful, in my experience is built upon mutual respect, understanding, tolerance and compromise.  All good relationships are two-way streets.

Soul of a Wolf is available on Amazon Kindle and your local book stores, worldwide. If you'd like to order it locally, just let them have the ISBN number from above.  If you have problems getting the title locally, you can order it here.

Villayat 'Wolf' Sunkmanitu