Words of a Wolf - Poetry of a Veteran is now live on Amazon Kindle ... Reviews needed!

Morning folks,

the book made it to the Amazon Kindle store and is available for purchase or a free read through their lending system.

I found a problem with Amazon: the lack of information exchange between the different sites with regard to content and reviews of the same product.  So people looking at the book in the USA, UK, France, Germany, Italy and Spain won't see the same information.

If you have been kind enough to leave feedback about the book elsewhere and have an Amazon account, I would be very grateful if you would please copy your comments to all the pages below - including the paperback pages. You should only have to log in once and it's all been setup to help you copy and past the information from section to section.  It'll probably take you 5 minutes. Top tip - once you have signed into the first Amazon page - leave it open in the background and you won't have to sign in to the other Amazon sites.

There are different languages but the location for comments is the same under product information - it's the last link on the 'Product Information' section.

You can copy your existing comments from here or write a new comment.

Amazon Kindle Pages

Click to the right of Moyenne des commentaires client

Click to the right of Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung

Click to the right of Media recensioni

Click to the right of OpiniĆ³n media de los clientes

United Kingdom
Click to the right of Average Customer Review

Click to the right of Average Customer Review

Amazon Paperback Pages (Click to the right of 'Average Customer Review' for these pages too)
United Kingdom

Thank you in advance if you can find the time to do this for me.  The project is dependent upon your help and support.


Villayat 'Wolf' Sunkmanitu