Funding application succesful!

It's nice to be able to share some good news...and this is one of the best bits of news that I've had in 2013 so far.  The Arts Council and National Lottery have made an offer to fund my fourth exhibition:  Living with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

I started planning the exhibition four years ago.  It's been a slow process that's been carefully managed to make the target realistically achievable and not aggravate the PTSD that I live with...slow and steady's good right?

I have been supported along the way by various people and I would like to thank them here: Stella Couloutbanis from Embrace Arts for helping me to write the funding bid.  Derek Thompson, Mat Jones, Jon Souza, Dave Puller, Janice Lobban (Combat Stress), Ian Medley (NHS) and Marc Gibson (Nottingham Counselling Services) for their communications in support of the project.  Leicester Peoples' Photographic Gallery and GrangePrint for discounting their services.  The Arts Council, locally and the England office for their guidance and support and the National Lottery for contributing towards the grant.

Most of all, my thanks go to all of you people that have viewed and/or read my work and have been kind enough to buy something to keep the project going; especially those of you that have been kind enough to leave feedback on the guestbook or have helped with Facebook and Twitter support.  You've all helped me to continue my work ... and are as responsible for the by-product: together we're helping people by promoting 'Creativity' as a coping mechanism for disability

Now the real work's time to get everything ready for November!

Please continue to share information about my work  and lend your support by clicking 'Like' on the Facebook page (as well as clicking 'Share' on items) or 'Follow' my progress on Twitter.  All the links are accessible via my website:
All the best,

Villayat 'Wolf' Sunkmanitu

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