How to setup an 'Automatic backup' of your images, videos, documents etc from Android phones ...

Microsoft Onedrive can be a very useful tool for backing up your android phone.  It's free and easy to setup and you'll have a copy of the images and videos available online for downloading and sharing.

Follow these steps:

1.  Setup a free hotmail account from here.  If you already have one - log into it ... or setup a Microsoft account using your own email address by clicking here.

2.  Download and run the Onderdive app from Google Play Store - here.

3.  Configure your android device to backup automatically via Wi-Fi.

4.  Configure your android device to only backup when the power lead is connected if you so wish.

5.  Log into your PC's hotmail address again and click the icon with 9 squares - top left and then select the Onderive icon.  You should see your photos appear there on your PC if you've set it up right.

If you have Windows 8.1, access Onedrive from your PC - go to 'Pictures' and then you  will see a folder called 'Camera roll' there - it should contain all of your images and videos that you've taken from your mobile phone.

If you have a tablet or other notebook/laptops etc running Windows 8.1 and you've logged in to the systems using your Microsoft account (which can be your own email address - eg jbloggs@one,com or your Hotmail account) you will be able to access everything - including the documents that you've stored there on any system that you log in to  - including your mobile.

All the best

Villayat 'Wolf' Sunkmanitu

NB This has been done on a Samsung S4 Mini and a Samsung S5 using the methods above without using Samsung Link.  The data linked across from a PC to a Linx Tablet and to the Android without a problem.