Poems Without Images On WIPE

 WIPE (Wolf International Poetry Exhibition) has been running for about 5 years or so now.  It's an International effort consisting of poets from different countries that all write in the English language ... some are so masterful that you wouldn't believe that English isn't their first language.

If selected, your poem is displayed in the Community Space in Tesco Bulwell Extra.  The store has a footfall of about 70,000 in an exhibition period.  The poems were changed every 2 months post Covid19 ... we're now working to pick up that pace again.

It's free to be a member of this group and to exhibit with us.  We support each other and we carry on sharing the words of our souls.

I've used images alongside my poems in my first book ... but not in the volumes after.  I sat and thought about poetry and considered what it does as an art form ... the words allows us to empathise with another or for the poet to empathise with our current situations.  The poems have an energy, a life borne of human experience ... but are felxible in that that they can fit within our individual frames of reference and engage our brains by getting us to paint a picture of the story being told or the experiences or thoughts being expressed.

Humans are lazy by nature when you look at how we make everything easier as the generations evolve.  Posting images with poetry takes away some of the wonder of the written word...and allows us to be more a passenger than being active in the experience.

WIPE exhibits your poetry and keeps people's imaginations active and engaged.  We also have rules about the way you present your poem - eg capitals and punctuation.

You can view the guidelines of this group in the video below:

Come and join us on Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/WIPEG

I hope to see you in the group.

Villayat 'Wolf' Sunkmanitu