Photography And Filming In Your Own Garden - Part 1 - Birds

 How many times have you wished that you could take photographs or video your plants or the animals that visit your garden but either haven't been able to because you don't have the right camera or the right set up?

I was listing the species that have visited my garden over the last day to today and it's been great to see certain species of birds coming back that have been absent.

I have mental health issues so I can't always get out into the wilderness and the current pandemic has made the situation far worse.

I created an exhibition that toured the East Midlands back in 2013 that was called Intimacy With Plants.  It's a collection of plant and insect images with a macro lens that I created on those days that my condition makes it impossible for me to leave my home.

You may have mental health and physical issues too but if you'd like to have a go and see what you come up with, you'd be welcome to join our camera club on Facebook.  You will need to answer the questions and agree to the rules of the club to be accepted.

You would also be welcome to exhibit your photography as an exhibition in your own right at Tesco Bulwell Extra.

Both of these activities are free and run by Wolf Photography.

In Part 1 I'm concentrating on bringing birds in.  Just because you don't see them in your garden, it doesn't mean they won't come in ... and if you set your garden up the right way, you'll be gobsmacked at the variety of birdlife around you.  

On the 25th of December (yesterday) I was watching Blue Tits, Great Tits, Coal Tits, a Goldcrest, Blackbirds, Robins, Goldfinches and 2 species that I haven't identified yet.  This morning I've been watching Long Tailed Tits and a Bullfinch in addition to the visitors from yesterday.

Get the right feeders.  The feeders in cages are essential if squirrels visit your garden or they'll destroy your feeders to get to the food.  They can bite through the tough plastic on ordinary feeders.  Have a search; you might find something on sale online.  Make sure predators can't reach the feeders.

Getting the right food for different species is very important.  I use a variety to entice different species onto the feeders

1.  Ordinary garden seed mix is what the sparrows like best.

2. Dried Mealworm.  Robins love these.  Blue Tits have been seen going for these too.

3. Peanuts.  Nuthatches and Woodpeckers will go for these as will Geat Tits and Coal Tits, amongst others.

4. Suet made from berries will entice various species including Long Tailed Tits.

5. Suet made from insects will entice the same as above but may also be responsible for bring the Goldcrest in.

6. Sunflower hearts.  Basically, the insides of  sunflower seeds.  They're a great winter food.  Tits and Finches will go for these, amongst others.

7. Fat balls are good for enticing Long Tailed Tit families into your garden.  

Water is essential, particularly in winter when you have freezing conditions.  Remember to pour out some water somewhere for the visitors.  If you have logs scattered in your garden, there may well be an abundance of insect life all year round because of global warming.  If you wake up to a frosty morning, the chances are that the water will have frozen overnight.  So please remember to put some fresh water out.  Please don't put boiling water out but you could heat the water a little to help the thawing process along.

Then it's time to watch and wait and watch.  You may not see any visitors straightaway but you can monitor what's happening by watching the food levels in your feeders.  Be patient!

I'll post some ideas for photographing and filming your visitors in the next piece.


Villayat 'Wolf' Sunkmanitu

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