DAN V3.0 - Your Community Space at Tesco Bulwell Extra is changing soon


We set up the exhibitions space in Tesco Bulwell Extra about 5 years ago and transformed it from this:

To this:  a space where artists have exhibited from different part of the UK and other countries.  The venue was officially opened by the Lord Mayor of Nottingham and we kicked off a successful  programme of rolling exhibitions.

Covid had made it a difficult year for art exhibitions in Tesco Bulwell Extra.  A decision was taken to suspend all art related activities such as 'Creatives Night' and 'Meet The Artists Night' in order to safeguard the members of the Disabled Artists' Network (DAN).  In addition we've been looking at how to make it easier to exhibit with DAN in terms of accessibility - not just through disability related barriers but also geographical barriers because we have an international membership.

We have exhibitors from other parts of the UK, as well as Canada, Denmark, Iceland and India. We're always working on extending our membership.

Pre-Covid we held 6 exhibitions a year involving a membership of 91 artists, crafters, poets and photographers that changed every 2 months.  We secured the various exhibits to the walls.  This presents difficulties for a group of people with various disabilities...particularly during this pandemic, as most of us within the group are classed as vulnerable people and carers.

I floated an idea with Samsung and Knowledge about changing the exhibition space into a digital site where we could upload exhibition content onto large media screens.  They have since become partners in the project with Tesco and Wolf Photography.

This is what the exhibition venue will look like in the future:

Tesco will be installing the additional power points needed next week.  After which the venue is being painted by Concept Painting Contractors.  Paint has been donated by Brewers Decorator Centres and Dulux.

We need to raise £12,266.40 as a minimum - which would just pay for the screens.  We need to raise £18,386.40 to pay for the screens and to put the necessary IT infrastructure in place as this will become a completely online experience for the exhibitors...as well as some necessary re-branding to include the new sponsors donating funds to this worthwhile project.  

If you would like to donate to this cause and have your company represented on the Sponsors' Board of this worthwhile community project at Tesco Bulwell Extra, please view the DAN V3.0 document on www.wolf-photography.com and email me: wolf (at) wolf-photography.com.

Update:  We have already raised £3,500 of the needed funds!

I hope to hear from you at your earliest convenience.

Villayat 'Wolf' Sunkmanitu

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