UK Veterans, the NHS and Local Authority provisions re support

Did you know that if you've got a War Disablement Pension that you're a priority patient for the NHS if you're seeking treatment for a condition that you're getting said pension for?

I've been treated by 3 different health authorities now over the years but none of them knew of this arrangment.  I had to print off the approriate form from the Veterans agency to prove it.

If you're a veteran and you're waiting for treatment, show the following link to your GP.  When they refer you, providing you fulfil the conditions, you're a priority patient

A Local Authority (LA) can choose to disregard your War Disablement Pension (WDP) for the purposes of a housing benefit or council tax benefit claim.  This means it's not taken in account for the calculation of your housing/council tax benefit claim.  It's at the discretion of the LA concerned.  If your LA doesn't disregard your WDP.  Get in touch with your local Citizens' Advice Bureau (CAB) and ask them to raise the issue with the LA as a 'Social Policy' issue.

Some CABx now have welfare rights officers attached to deal specifically with verterans' issues.  Truro in Cornwall is one of them.  They state the following:

'We offer debt and benefits advice to serving and ex-serving military personnel and their dependants. This Benefits and Money Advice service is funded by the Royal British Legion and RAF Benevolent Fund. Contact number, for this unit only, 01872 266736. If you contact this number and are not eligible you will be signposted to 0844 49 94 188.'

Don't waste 12 years of your life.  Get the help you need now.  You deserve it.

Good luck
