Old Cairo ...

I took it easy today ... or tried to.  It seems to be getting hotter here.  Apparently the heatwave is coming over from the Saudi Arabia area - I wouldn't like to be there!  The heat's still draining me ... but there's only another day to go and I get back to some colder weather - yeah!

I explored the old city today - some of it looks like a bomb hit it.  There's real poverty in this part of town but it's also a thriving arts area.  You'll find all sorts of things from Bedouin jewelry to Sufi concerts. 

I went to a Sufi concert tonight and it was AMAZING!  Wow, what an energy these performers generated.  I couldn't help but move to the music, so I'm not expecting any miracles with regards to the photos as I was a bit too far away from them and it was quite dark.  The dancing was so awe inspiring and I could see some of the guys zoning out as they hit that place where a person becomes one with their art.  I want to find some of their music to bring back on a CD.  The only music shop I found in Central Cairo didn't have any.

So, time to have a cold shower and see if I can sleep a little.

