Printing contract signed ... advance orders accumulating

I guess everything's done on the base level now.  I uploaded the final edit of the cover and book last night via ftp and the printers will have the book back to me in 4 weeks time.

The job's been paid for in full and I have advanced orders of 34 copies so far.  11 of them are from the USA (thanks Mat).

My thoughts turn toward the marketing aspect now, which isn't my favourite task ... BUT I kind of feel like I'm on a ride to somewhere and I'm not in control of it anyway.  I'm contributing towards something that seems to be there already...a bit like walking into your closet for the coat that fits the weather (if that makes sense?).

I feel tired tonight.  The accupunture was good today and chilled me right down.  I'm tired in a good way though.

Tomorrow I'm going for a drive somewhere to chill out and maybe do some more writing on my bio.

What's it all about?  Do a search within this blog (above right)  for PTSD and follow the developments.  It's about trying to raise awareness of PTSD in Veterans and what they go through when they come home, are abandoned and then have to find a way to cope with the condition.

If you're interested in selling the book on as a small bookstore, you get 20% off the RRP.  So drop me a line if you're interested.  It's not an expensive publication for the genre, so profit margins are low for everyone involved in the selling of the product.  The title details are below:

Title: Words of a Wolf

Poetry of a Veteran

Contents: 48 Poems and some B&W images (the focus is on the poetry though).  Details of organisations that can help veterans with PTSD on a range of issues, including mental welfare support.

Author: Villayat 'SnowMoon Wolf' Sunkmanitu

ISBN number: 978-0-9564885-0-3
Price: £6.99

Size: 8"x5" (127mm x 203mm)

I'd like to thank the following people:  Derek Thompson for proof-reading, making me laugh and taking the piss as and when necessary;  Mat Jones for his enthusiasm and support (as well as facilitating the first USA purchases); Wolf Theuns for his feedback and encouragement on the cover design; Eleanor Pigg from Nielsons for all of her help and advice on the publishing side of things; Nigel from MPG Biddles for his advice on the printing aspects of this project and the proofs supplied; and last but not least, you, for reading and keeping up with developments and showing an interest.

If you'd like to order a copy of the book, please click here and you can make a purchase securely through Paypal.  There are also some example extracts of poetry on that page.

The next part of this project is to finish the autobiography and then everything's ready for the exhibition.

The following organisations have said that they're happy to be involved with the exhibition:
Combat Stress
The Veterans Agency
The Royal British Legion
Help for Heroes

Three of them are charities and the trick will be to find venues for the exhbition that want to run for a month but also have collection boxes for these charities in order to help raise some funds.

So, if you know of any galleries that would want to be involved in raising awareness of PTSD in Veterans and would be happy just taking a slice of commission from any potential print sales, get them to drop me a line?!

Have a lovely evening :o)
