Words of a Wolf

Well, the books done.  I finished uploading it and designing the cover this morning.  I've ordered one copy to check it for quality and formatting etc.  It should be here in a few days. 

Kind of felt excited by the time I finished designing the cover and seeing that the staus of the project had gone from 'draft' to 'published'.

It took a lot of farting about near the end as I had to re-order the pages and put a blank page in at the start and fisih to ensure the the pages line up in the book the way that I visualise them in my head.

I just hope that it goes ok now and that I can generate some interest in it.  For now, it's in quality assurance and you know what capricorns are like? :)

My sincere thanks to Derek Thompson for his proof reading skills and for writing the Foreword.

I've attached the cover of the book in case you're interested.

All the best


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