Lee the Lion ...

I met Lee a few years ago when he was visiting London on his honeymoon with WhiteEagle. Indirectly, he taught me an important lesson. You only have 1 father and 1 mother - if it doesn't work out between the 3 of you - tough - get on with the rest of your life.

Lee's the sort of friend you can sit in a bar with or walk a mountain with. He's nearing the end of his journey on this plane owing to cancer.

The first time we met, I could see he was very tired ... but a friend had arranged that we go to a function. I said we'd go along there by bus and the ladies could go by car. It gave Lee a chance to rest. We sat on the door step together and he rolled a ciggie and we just talked. It was the first time that I had talked with an elder this way and he was genuinely interested in my journey and kept asking me questions about various aspects of it.  It felt as if we'd always talked and this was a continuation of our last chat ... perhaps from a different time.

I remember sitting in a sweat lodge with him at a ceremony.  It was WhiteEagle's Elderhood ceremony.  It was my first sweat lodge.  We all linked hands and sang the old songs in the darkness of the lodge, the drum echoing the beat of the Earth Mother outside as we sat in her womb.  We sang and we bonded as brothers, fathers and sons.  We couldn't see the man to our left or right, the darkness was complete and the mist from the sacred stones filled any gaps ... but I knew who had my left hand - the hand of my heart.  It was Lee.

This is the way that I'll think of him: the guy that gave me the ear of a father without being mine. A guy with a big heart and an open soul.

He told me that I had to go and walk the mountain paths of Nepal ... I did it Lee :o)

Wishing you love and peace mate ... and a gentle passing to the new path.

SnowMoon Wolf