Thursday ... Pharaonic Village ...

It seems that the days are getting continually hotter.  I'm still finding conflicting information re some sites that I want to photograph and most places seem to be closing around 4:30pm.

I decided to head to the Pharaonic Village today.  I heard about it from the hotel staff and it sounded interesting, 'A place where they recreated life in the time of the Pharos.'  I have to admit to being a bit cynical about the setup as a lot of people will recommend so many things that turn out to be a pile of last year's stale mince pies ... BUT I was pleasantly surprised.

I would say that there is a gap with regards to viewing past Egyptian culture and the Pharaonic Village fills it nicely.  The place is setup to demonstrate methods of farming, perfume making, fishing, wine and beer making as well as various arts and crafts of the Egyptians.  All the actors are in traditional costumes and the whole tour is carried out by boat on the River Nile.  But wait ... there's a bonus!  You'll also see various birds flying around and some even hunting small fish right in front or to the side of your boat.  If you're a birder you can't miss this trip and make sure you've packed your camera gear and get a seat on the front row.

They have also created scaled models of various scenes: moving an obelisk, creating a pyramid and the Sphinx and unlike the Cairo museum, here you can take photos ... with flash photography if you want to.

You will find replicas of items such as Tutenkhamun's Mask, various treasures found in tombs as well as a replica tomb, complete with a Pharo to view.

In the arts and crafts area you can watch glass blowing and fine etchings being created before your very eyes and you have the option to purchase items such as jewelry and other items should you desire them.

The shots will be in a specific  album named after the village in the travel section when I get home.

Their website is:, go and visit them.  You won't be sorry, especially if you're into photography.

Tomorrow, the pyramids!

