Breeding season ...

The light was awful and the skies were drizzling rain upon us.  I'd taken a friend out on a photoshoot.  We'd met up an hour or so earlier and it was time to try to put some theory into practise, having gone over how to use aperture, shutter speed and ISO settings and how it all ties in.  If you can come up with a decent shot in these conditions, you'll have done ok.

I treated the walk around like a recce of the area.  Looking at where things were and what kinds of wildlife used the area.  There was the usual abundance of birds, local and migrant, around the main lake, as well as two herds of deer (red and fallow).

On the way back to the car I stopped to watch two Swans courting, ceremoniously cleaning them selves and posing gracefully for each other before the female allowed the male to mate with her.  It was another of those moments where the camera couldn't get the image stored to the memory card, however, my eyes could record the memory in my soul.

I've been back since and seen some beautiful sights:  Herons building nests on the nursery, various deer going about their daily lives and smaller birds selecting mates and getting their perspective breeding seasons under way.

Happy Spring season to you all.


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